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Project and Notes

So I don't have to worry about style, only content. Yay MediaWiki!


  • 9/16 New Job not a lot of time for the next couple of days. Will try to get LiPhoRobo code uploaded.


Sources for Parts and Pieces Great company out of NY with a great set of tutorials & focus on providing instruction with the parts you buy. Also very active in providing community outreach on their products and the maker movement. Out of Denver, another source for electronics. I like the inline comments on the product pages, usually very informative and a good source of potentials "gotcha's" people have encountered. Hawaiian roboticists in Las Vegas NV. Seems like a lot of good robotics parts and inventory. I like the detailed product pages they provide. Also, they have 2mm & 3mm shaft adaptors to Lego(tm) wheels!

Wiki Syntax

Yes I constantly need to look this up...

Other Stuff

Cigar Page

DVD Collection

Getting started