Light-Phobic Robot
From Projects and Notes
A little robot the "runs" from the light, with beeps to indicate it's mode. Arduinos mounted on a wheeled platform.
I had this idea not long after just getting started working with Arduino's and learning to program them. It seemed like a very simple project at the time and something that would be do-able with the right parts and the knowledge from tutorials and the book I've been using.
I am starting to call it, RoboLiPho. It's cute.
- 2 arduinos - I had to use two, one for sensors and one for the motor b/c of budget and hardware constraints. You could probably get away with just 1 and the "correct" setup of it.
- Photo sensor
- LED's for eyes
- piezeo speaker for the noises
- 2 power sources, one per arduino
- Tamiya dual motor gearbox
- Tamiya mounting platform
- Anothercould be used or even heavy wood, but this simplified my construction needs
- Adafruit ProtoShield
- Again for ease of use and development
- Seed Motor Shield v1.0
- I got it onsale at Radioshack
To be done.
Project Log
- Eyes done and tied in with photo sensor. Code hooks in place to use movement information.
- Wheels and motors whould be delivered on Thursday!